Sunday 30 March 2014

Sometimes it all comes back to me.

Sometimes it all comes crashing,  the emotions, the pain, the thoughts of the day when I knew without even a word said to me that you are no more.

That the one person who's forever been part of me is no more it all comes back to me how I've done it all without you.
How i travelled all those km with nothing inside of me, how my legs could still carry me to my grandma's yard without fail, how my voice could not disappoint me.

Sometimes it all comes back to me, how i maneuvered between pity faces and hands waiting to pick me up if I my breath just was there everyday.

How I survived the whole week of preparations without the need to see you. How when I finally see your perfectly made up face and the peace that shown through it, I knew why I never broke down, why my breathe came without fail every time, how my legs carried me.

Sometimes it all come back to me that you are really gone, that you are never coming back, that i will never experience that sunshine harvesting smile, that you are my mother nonetheless and I love you, I miss you.

Rip Mom. 


  1. Amazing.. painful but necessary.. the strength you have most of us will never be able to comprehend.. love you hun

    1. i thank you. sometimes i just wonder how i did it, but hey.


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Lv. Ms V. Vee

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